Section Notes
Section 1 - Sum of moments, moment balance, allowable loads, basic normal and shear stresses.
Section 2 - Thermal expansion, thermal stresses, statically indeterminate problems and generalized Hooke's law.
Section 3 - Permanent deflection of a beam, thermal ideal plasticity and residual stresses.
Section 4 - Torque, torsional stresses, 2nd moment of inertia and maximum shear stresses due to torsion.
Section 5 - Plastic zones in torsional stresses, shear flow, angle of twist and thin shell cylinder problems.
Section 6 - Non-uniform cross-section beam, parallel axis theorem, computing complex second moment of inertia and transformed sections problem.
Section 7 - Determining shear and bending moment curves, singularity function, determining absolute value of shear and bending moment.
Section 8 - Computing complex second moment of inertia, first moment with respect to neutral axis, obtain shear stress at a point in cross-section, determining principle planes and principal stresses.
Section 9 - Critical buckling load, Castigliano's theorem, computing deflection using method of work and energy.